How to Block a Caller on an iPhone


How to Block a Caller on an iPhone

How to Block a Number on an iPhone – we’ll take you through it step by step

You’ll no longer be pestered by calls, text messages or FaceTime calls from a number you don’t want to!

1) Tap on the phone icon that’s usually found on your home screen, it’s the app you use to make calls (look for a white phone receiver icon  on a green background!)

2) Tap on the ‘Recents’ icon along the bottom of the screen, this should bring up a list of your recent calls made and received

3) Tap on the little blue ‘i’ icon on the right of the screen inline with the number you would like to block

4) Tap on ‘Block this caller’ found at the bottom of the screen in red type

5) You will then be asked if you are sure you want to block this caller – tap ‘Block this caller’

Success – this caller has now been added to your block list!

Just 1 Email to Block a Caller with Your CSnotepad Telephone Answering Service

If you use our telephone answering service and would like to block the calls we take from a particular number (perhaps it’s a cold caller, or a naissance caller that is repeatedly calling and costing you money!) then just drop us a quick email to:

We’ll add this caller to the block list we have in place for your business, and this number will no longer be patched through to you, you’ll no longer be notified of their calls, and most importantly you’ll no longer be charged for any calls we receive from this number. It couldn’t be simpler to manage the calls that you don’t want to receive, reduce the frustration, remove the distraction, and take away the cost of each call that could be using up your valuable call credits with us, or costing you each time they choose to reach out to you.

This is just one of the ways our telephone answering service can support your business, to find out more about our telephone answering service click here.

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