CSnotepad Telephone Answering: How To Get More Customers

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CSnotepad Telephone Answering: How To Get More Customers

Need to find more customers? You might think you need to increase your marketing budget, or better place your marketing efforts. You could turn to Google Ad words, LinkedIn advertising, Facebook advertising, you could send out emails to your database, you could use referral incentives…the list goes on. But what about the simple act of answering the phone? Have you got that bit nailed yet?

Sounds simple doesn’t it? But you’d be amazed how many businesses are falling at the final hurdle. It doesn’t matter how much time, money and energy you pour into marketing your business to new potential customers, if you’re not also putting the time and effort into responding to them when they do reach out to you.

‘Strike while the iron is hot’ is an old saying, but it couldn’t be truer when it comes to selling your product or services. If a new potential customer calls you, don’t let them reach your voicemail or an engaged tone, it doesn’t take a lot for buyer interest to turn cold.

Most callers WILL NOT leave a message and WILL call one of your competitors.

We live in an instant age, with instant access to information and businesses, with one-click ordering and next day delivery…don’t expect a potential customer to sit around and wait for you to return their call. Make sure your business is grabbing every opportunity to sell to each and every new enquiry.

The Solution:
Never miss a call, have multiple calls answered at the same time, even have calls answered outside of standard business hours – including evenings and weekends. It’s all possible when you turn to a Telephone Answering Service like ours at CSnotepad.

Our Telephone Answering Service ensures that each and every one of your calls is answered by our team of polite and friendly Customer Service Advisors. They’re trained on your business and get to know your products and services. Each call is answered with your own personalised business greeting, and each call is handled in just the way you choose. Our advisors will ask the questions you’d like, and gather the information you need. They can answer general enquiries, process orders, even take payments.

We can handle multiple calls at the same time, and there’s never any down-time in your service for lunch breaks, sickness or holidays, just a continuous seamless service which serves to boost your customer service reputation. Your callers will never know they haven’t reached your business directly – it’s what we pride ourselves on. We’ll ensure that any potential customers that reach you from your various marketing channels get the answers they need, and the service they deserve.

Get the basics right – get the phone answered to capitalise on your marketing efforts.

To find out more, head over to out website, or call a member of our team today for a chat.

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